Dahlgren Parent Bulletin

2024: Beginning of the Year Edition
August 1, 2024

What's Happening this Month?

Welcome back to Dahlgren School! The first day of school for 1st through 8th grade is August 19th and our Kindergarten friends come in on the 20th. We have a Meet the Teacher, an Open House, and even a book fair! Take a look around our new Newsletter for more info!

Check out our Family Calendar to see all our events throughout the year on One Page!

It is either a pumpkin that looks like an orange tiger, or an orange tiger that looks like a pumpkin. Whatever the case, it is staring right at you so be careful.
It is either a pumpkin that looks like an orange tiger, or an orange tiger that looks like a pumpkin. Whatever the case, it is staring right at you so be careful.

Message from the Principal

We are excited to welcome you to the 2024-25 school year! We hope you had an opportunity to relax and recharge during the summer break. The first day of school is August 19th for 1st – 8th grades, August 20th for Kindergarten students and September 3rd for PreK/PSCD students. Here is some helpful information to help you plan for the school year.
  • School Calendar: Checkout our new school calendar for important dates – from early release days to holidays. We have sent out the calendar to personal emails, but you will also find the calendar on our school website and Dahlgren School Facebook page.
  • Meet the Teacher Event: Will be from 1:00 – 3:00 for grades K – 8th on Friday, August 16th. This is a chance to see your child’s classroom and drop off school supplies. We will have a scavenger hunt for the students as well as ice cream on the playground afterwards!
  • School Schedule: Our hours are from 8:25 – 3:15
  • Transportation: Dahlgren School does not provide transportation.
  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures: We will begin letting students into the school at 8:25. School begins at 8:30. Dismissal will be at 3:15. No dogs are allowed to be at the school during drop-off or pick-up.
  • Health and Safety: We want to keep everyone healthy and safe, and our school open to learning. To that end, please continue practicing everyday prevention strategies and screen your student for any health symptoms before heading to school.
  • Student Meals: Dahlgren School does not have a meals program. Students are required to bring their own lunches. 
  •  Dress Code: Our dress code has changed! https://www.dodea.edu/dahlgren/policy.cfm
  • Call for Substitute Teachers: We are always looking for quality substitute teachers and educational aides to serve in our schools. It’s a great way to see how DoDEA works firsthand and to get involved in our children’s education. Learn more here: https://www.dodea.edu/americas/substitute-teachers-wanted.cfm
Please contact the school office at (540) 469-7100 if you have questions. From our school team, it is an honor and a privilege to serve our military families. We look forward to a great school year!
An Animated gif that says "Welcome Back" in Yellow and Green with sparkes.

Announcement from the Front Office!

We are currently doing 100% ID checks at the school. If you are planning on entering the school, you will need to ring the doorbell at the front of the school and be let in. Head straight to the front office with your ID to check in as a visitor. Please do not hold the door open for anyone behind you as we need to let everyone in individually as part of this check. Thank you!

If you have any questions, please reach out to D'Tanya Blanco, Secretary/Registrar, at (540)469-7100 or dtanya.blanco@dodea.edu.

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School Hours

Hours Start Time End Time
Students 8:25 AM 3:15 PM
Office 7:30 AM 4:00 PM
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